Summer Camp Support from Christ

For Christ students in grades K-12, we offer church support for those attending an LCMS Summer Camp. This experience encourages youth to grow in the knowledge and relationship with God, stretch out of their comfort zones through new experiences, and make new friends.

The Christ Lutheran Youth Account will cover up 1/3 of the cost of camp, with a maximum of $250.

Students who need further financial assistance are welcome to apply for the Margaret Schaefer Scholarship which can also cover up to 1/3 of the cost.

Families are expected to cover the last 1/3 of the cost. If this is a financial hardship, further assistance from the congregation is available. Talk to Amanda or Pastor. We don’t want anyone to miss out on attending LCMS summer camp for financial reasons.

Criteria for being considered for church support:

1.      Student applicants shall be baptized and active members of Christ Lutheran Church. They shall be regular worship attenders (minimum 50% attendance in Sunday School and Church).

2.      Students need to assist with at least 3 service or fundraising opportunities.

3.      Student applicants who are in kindergarten through 12th grade will be considered as recipients of this scholarship.